1.  Take a look at the different packages I offer.  If you find one that meets your needs move on to step number 2.  If you are unsure about which package best fits your situation or if you have any questions send me an email, michaelyatsko@hotmail.com, or drop me a line at 717 - 319- 4653

2.  Send me an email, michaelyatsko@hotmail.com, with some possible dates and times that work for you along with the package you are interested in purchasing.

3.  I will look at my calendar and get back to you asap to let you know if any of the dates or times you suggested will work out.  If not, don't worry, we will figure out a way to get you on the schedule sooner than later.

4. Once we have a date set we can discuss location. I always suggest a place where you pet is most comfortable. This can be a local park or your own backyard.

6.  A few days before the shoot I will send you an email or text reminder.